January 17, 2012

DISC Personality - How to Relax

 Relaxing is important and vital to our health. Based on the DISC personality assessment test, I have come up with a few simple solutions to help you understand the best way for you to de-stress.

Before reading, take the DISC assessment.
 It is possible more then one relaxing technique will relate to you from the another personality traits, because we usually come out a combination of two. After taking the test, you will see the dominance in one percentage and whatever you came out second, this will show your other personality trait.

Relaxing doesn't necessarily mean sitting and doing nothing, depending on your personality. Here is a simple list of ideas to help you de-stress from your wedding planning or every-day life! 
How to Relax!

Illustration by Eileen Posadny

Illustration by Eileen Posadny

Illustration by Eileen Posadny

Illustration by Eileen Posadny

If this interested you and you would like to explore your personality further in the DISC assessment, I would recommend a few of these books. I believe they're an excellent way of preparing for marriage too, because it will open your eyes to your significant other in a whole new light.



  1. Thanks for the great tips! You really need to have enough energy when you are taking any examination.

  2. The introduction of a DISC profile into any team building program will offer team managers personalized information on each team member. By analyzing everyone's DiSC Profile the manager will quickly realize what motivates, demotivates, what they tend to avoid, how they react to stress, their natural behavioral tendencies, and much more.
