Welcoming 2012!!!
Last year, I tried crunching so many stressful goals for my life and looking back, some of them weren't all that important. I felt prisoner to my own expectations. I allowed disappointment for not reaching my objectives. In this moment, I heard myself thinking,
"This is only the beginning of life - your story isn't over yet."
It gave me new perspective for this new year.
Little do we know of life's uncertainties.... and maybe it is these uncertainties that lead us into the realm of adventure. We want life to happen NOW and find it unbearable to obey patience. We loose sight of the present.
If you feel confined in the moment, shake that feeling off; because your story is only just beginning. No matter how old or young, with breath still in our lungs - we still have time to accomplish much! So, my New Years resolution for 2012 is to pursue my dreams and simply pursue. Live like to the fullest and embrace every minute the good and the bad.
For brides - enjoy every second of your wedding planning. Embrace the details, take those walks with your fiance and dream about the future together. Relax, things will come together beautifully.
For girls who are married - fall in love with every present moment and treasure life.
My New Years Resolution? Enjoy today!
What are yours?
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